Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Comic Fiesta!

Konichiwa!I went to the Comic Fiesta yesterday!It was heaven!I went in right on time,because it was the time for the finalist to do their "catwalk".Well,the first one was Tamaki Suoh.He freaking unbuttoned his school blazer,then his tie,and throw his rose towards the crowds!OMG!He looks so hot!Then its Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji.He also strip on stage!Ah!!He is the hottest Sebastian(live) I ever seen!Then,its Alice from Pandora Hearts.She gracefully asked the MC to kneel and kissed her hand!Awwwwwww!Yakimochi!!!Then,she dragged him !The other MC said "She is going to take you to her secret chamber!No!!".So funny!Then its Sasuke.Didnt even talk.Same as Echo from Pandora Hearts.but she is so cute.I got a chance to hug her and took a picture with her!Kawai!!!I met Oz,Gilbert,Annew/Feldt,Kurosu Yuuki,Touya Rima,Zero,Alice,Echo,Sebastian,Ciel,Kagamine Len and Rin,the tall back thingy from Sprited Away,and many more!Who i love the most is the one cosplayin Annew/Feldt from Gundam 00.I got a chance to hold her arms.She is such a kind and pretty !She looks excatly like Annew!Her name is Jasmayn,a mix of Australian.She is cute and funny too!I met C.C,Lelouch,Suzaku from Code Geass.She could be the prettiest C.C i ever met!And i met a gothic lady with a violin.I dont know which character she coplayed.I also took a picture with the adorable Echo!She looks exactly like Echo!And her expressions are the same!And the funny part here is,a lot of the cosplayers approached me and asked me "Are you a mix?Japanese?","You look like a japanese!Are you from japan!?" and "You are half japanese right!".I answered them and they asked me if they could take a picture of me with them.Most of them!OMG!Its the other way around!Some of the guys even snatched my arm!Lucky me, a kakui otoko cosplaying some character wearing tuxedo and he look really quiet and mysterious came to me and showed his camera.*O*!Do i really looked like a japanese?Perhaps maybe the way I wear my clothes?Or maybe they heard me talking to my cousin?hmm....Well,i had fun!And I am going to hunt Jeffrey for Jasmayn phonenumber!

*pictures will be uploaded later.


  1. :O i
    NEXT TIME WE SHALL DEFINITELY GO TOGETHER! if of course u dun move to somewhere... and u wana COS TOO?! XD LETSSSSS

  2. Oi Kino...what do you mean by *pass by* *O*!!
